Friday, 20 May, 2022 - 12:00 to Sunday, 22 May, 2022 - 18:00
"Popular Culture, Cultural Management & Tourist Footprint"
The IBYKOS Cultural Club of Loutraki - Perachorites under the auspices of the Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Sports organizes on May 20, 21 and 22 the action "Ethnographic Laboratory: Popular Culture, Cultural Management and Tourist Footprint in the country" and Perachora of Corinth.
The three-day workshop includes:
- Presentations on theoretical and methodological issues of modern folklore and anthropological sciences, with the participation of renowned academics and researchers.
- Exercise in the field ethnographic research by conducting interviews and folklore recordings in Loutraki and Perachora.
- Visits to local folklore collections and critical evaluation of their content with the participation and supervision of museologists.
- Presentation of modern projects of cultural management and tourist promotion of elements of Greek popular culture by cultural managers.
- Screening and commenting on ethnographic documentaries with the participation of their contributors.
- Visual anthropology workshop for the education of the participants in the new technologies and in the main tools of visual imprinting and digital promotion of aspects of the popular culture.
- Experiential introductory seminars of the participants in the local music and dance tradition, with the participation of locals and the realization of a party with a live traditional orchestra.
Scientific supervisor: Thanos Kotsis