The author will talk about the most important relationship of our lives, our relationship with the mother! How is it that we see our mother with the eyes of adulthood and not with the eyes of a child? A wonderful meeting that helps us to understand your mother and get to know ourselves.
Through the true stories contained in this book, Tenia Makri suggests ten steps that will help you put the relationship with your mother into a new, valuable dimension. You will understand it, you will perhaps forgive it, and eventually you will be reconciled to yourself and yourself - something that is literally invaluable.
Tenia Makri is a family counselor and relationship consultant with studies in Social Work and Applied Psychology in Greece and the United States. Among other things, he has worked in Greece and the European Union in the field of vocational rehabilitation for people with disabilities and has taught at the postgraduate department of the Maraslio Pedagogical Academy at parents' schools. She had her own telecast entitled "Listen to Mega", while occasionally participating in various TV shows in Greece and Cyprus. So far, he has written seven books that have become all best seller: Love with the Force ?, Why do I love you, 15 + 7 lessons, steps for better relationships, After we love why we can not do it ?, Is it just love? I love you and Faithfulness.