Perfumes and flavors of the Aegean

Friday, 6 July, 2018 - 22:00
The summer is here and our mind travels to our next summer destination. We will take you a little further into a holiday mood ... On Thursday 5th of July at 10.00 we will explore the wine richness of the Aegean, diving in the deep waters of enjoyment!

On this trip, guests will have the chance to discover the gourmet beauty of the Aegean. Paladar chef, Chef Philip Sotiris with his team, is inspired by the Greek islands and creates recipes that combine with high quality local wines.

The menu will include 4 dishes (salad, appetizer, main course and dessert) accompanied by correspondingly different types of wines.
The dessert will be edited by Giorgos Tsellonis from Sweet Vaston, in Corinth.
The menu will be posted on the wall of the event in the coming days.
There will also be a corresponding vegetarian menu.

Event date: Thursday 5 July at 10.00pm
Reservation phone numbers: 2744 023380, 6977451531
Communication Supporters: Corinthian Wine Club - Evoin Evan & Designous
